Sunday, February 3, 2013

Super (Bowl) Recovery

NormaTec Goodness!
I am writing this as I am watching the latest UFC fight, I mean the Super Bowl.  There have already been about four minor and one major fight on the field.  Ron says that this game is only going to get bloodier due to the adrenaline and massive egos.  I have to say that I am really in it for the commercials this year.  I have joined +Tara Martine and her husband Kurt for a Vegan feast this Super Bowl.  Tara is also letting me barrow her Revolution 3 NormaTec recovery boots.  I always feel like all the junk in my legs from the long weekend rides and runs as well as the miles put in throughout the week are being flushed and compressed away.  It is delightful.  I spent the entire first quarter in the boots!

Tara actually spent some time in the boots earlier today, but has opted for 2XU compression tights and compression socks for the game tonight.  I must say she cooks a mean Vegan Chili.
Tara Martine rocking the 2XU 

We are trying to talk Kurt into getting his turn in the Norma Tecs, but he says that even after riding over 8 hours this weekend with his lovely wife that he feels pretty good.  Perhaps the LaHa vegetarian fajitas or his famous vegan nacho cheese dip has aided his recovery.  (Perhaps it could be the anticipation of a delicious Cold Mountain Winter Ale!)  As triathletes we all must remember that recovery is an extremely important element after all of our training exploits!  It starts with nutrition then continues with taking proper care of our bodies through stretching and compression.

Team Enclave!!
Aside from focusing on recovery during the Super Bowl, I have been getting back into the swing of things this week.  While I didn't get a swim in, I did get over 80 miles on the bike (with one day being a 68 miler in the FREEZING COLD with Team Enclave featuring Rev3's Tara Martine.  Why do I let Tara and Kurt talk me into these epic rides that always feature extreme elements.  As previously stated, we did 68 miles with LOTS of climbing in subfreezing temperatures.  The hills also included dogs that were off the leash.  We have discovered that Kurt is the Alpha Dog and all dogs should beware when he approaches!  When we got back to the 'Clave it took over an hour for my hands and feet to thaw out!

You guessed it folks, its time for this week's installment of Joking on Jester

See anything, Beuller... Beuller...
Where have you been this week, bro??  Last week you found time to joke my lack of posts on Daily Mile yet let's all take a look at your posts this week... Um, yeah not much there!  Have you had a sinus infection??  At least I had that excuse last week.  I have been getting back on track this week and put in an 80+ mile week.  I will say it is good to see that you got off your trusty recumbent bike and actually made your way outside!  One more thing, you haven't even signed up for Azalea yet?!?!?!?  I am planning on signing up this week.  I will be ready.  I will be evolved through my process?  You, my good sir?  I also have enjoyed your snarky comments on my videos and Daily Mile.  Yes, Kurt and I do enjoy holding hands whilst running 7:29 miles at the end of an 11 mile run.  It just makes things a lot easier.  Let's just say you are a little jealous and wish someone could hold your hand while you attempt an 8:00 miler!  

It is all about presentation

Well, back to the Super Bowl.  This week has been great and I am staring to find my rhythm between work, grad school and training.  I will continue to work on finding the proper balance.  I can say that four hour plus rides will only be few and far between throughout the process.  (Of course we all know the Martines are very persuasive.)  I will say that I enjoyed my trail run today with John, Tundra and The Shannon.  I ran in the Altra Torins.  They have two different insoles.  My first run I ran with the flat, strengthening insoles, but today I ran with the contoured insoles.  I prefer the contoured insoles.  The Torins are a great shoe, although I am finding it difficult to break up with the generation one Pure Connects.  Fortunately, the generation two Connects are making the break up pretty easy.  (Side comment, so far no wardrobe malfunctions during the halftime show, but a flaming guitar... really??  And, Beyonce is really singing!!)

1 comment:

  1. Correction - Your 4+ hour rides will not be few and far between! In fact I see them featuring on a weekly basis in your near future :)
