Wasn't this movie in a word, AWESOME?!?! I saw it twice. Once at the midnight showing in 2D and then a second time in IMAX 3D! It was even better in 3D. I think the most chilling moment is when Cumberbatch says, "My name is Khan!" The whole theatre pretty much flipped out. You may ask, why I am I writing about such an awesome movie? To tell the truth, I think the last time I posted was pretty much when this movie was still in theatres. So, keep that in perspective because we are going to be covering A LOT of ground in this post!
The week of July fourth was spent in Upstate New York, specifically Ithaca, NY. There is a saying in Ithaca and that is that "Ithaca is ..." well a lot of things between Cold, Gorges and other innuendo. I'll simply say that it is amazingly beautiful. Ithaca is roughly 450' above sea level. That doesn't seem like a lot due to the fact that Greensboro is close to 600' or more above sea level, but it is definitely A LOT hillier. There is one road name Buffalo Rd and if you can run up it without getting winded then you are a superstar. (Yeah, I'm calling you out on this STRAVA section Mike Vance!!) We spent much of the time in Ithaca eating a local eateries and hiking the many trails. We must have hiked at least twenty miles that week. Along each hike were at least five gorges. These are beautiful, yet deadly waterfalls. As my brother Jonathan stated, "It is amazing how much nature doesn't give a _______ about you!" You will simply have to make the thirteen hour drive up there for yourselves to see just how awesome the most educated town in America is! I am excited to go back next summer, and next summer I'm bringing all my Tri gear because there are some awesome routes to train on.
Shoes have been christened!
Funner Runner Update
WOW!! These guys are getting speedy! Let's just say that records are being broken. The Palladium Funner Runners have been an extremely rewarding experience for me. I want to thank Off 'n Running and especially the owner John Dewey for having faith in me to lead the group towards their running goals. Each week a member of the group expresses how running has actually become "funner" and that the group workouts have been a great source of encouragement. One of the runners, who also runs cross country for SWGHS, has improved her times and increased her endurance; she ran twelve miles without stopping. This is a success story if I've ever heard one! Another runner and I have become great friends and he is even getting faster than me (guess I'm going to have to start giving him bad advice and terrible training methods now!) In all seriousness, I look forward to writing the weekly training plans and the group workouts. I love running, but taking my love for running and inspiring others has truly helped me find a greater joy in the sport!
Repping Rev3 at a local Race
Mission Man Tri
I signed up for Mission Man Sprint Tri with my friend John Cerra to celebrate the fact that we have been doing this crazy sport for over five years. This was the first Tri that John and me participated in together. This year was "insanely great"! I placed third in my age group with a finishing time of 1:19:41. This was the first swim that I actually freestyled nearly 100% through. The bike was rolling and I did decently, but the run is where I rocked out! I almost broke 19:59 on the 5K double trail loop. It was great because the guy who is getting fast, Jeremy Yoemans, his wife Valarie and daughter Mia came to the race. Valarie was curious about this whole Triathlon thing and she will be doing Ramblin' Rose in October! Way to go VAL!!! They created some awesome signs to cheer me on, one was a mantra that I began to say as I started the second loop of the run... "SHUT UP LEGS!" Yes, I stole this from Radio Shack rider Jens Voigt, but it worked!
Also titled: Why I have been putting off this Blog Post!
I caught your attention with the Star Trek Into Darkness opening (and the J.J. Abrams Star Trek theme is piping through Pandora as I write this). I wrote about some really cool summer experiences, but I left out a few tiny details. Well, not tiny at all... more like MAJOR DETAILS. In a past post I discussed graduating from HPU with my master's and I also become a licensed K-12 principal. This summer I have sent out countless resumes and applied to several positions. Thus far, I have had three interviews with three rejections. They write amazing rejection letters, though; best break up letters I have ever received, Nonetheless, these notices have been disheartening to say the least. I have honestly been putting this post off because I thought that I would be employed as an assistant principal position before writing this post. Well, it hasn't happened! I have been frustrated and at times down right depressed, but I remember that I can sit and sulk or go ride my bike or run. (Or if even smash the weights at ABSolute Fitness NC!) Nothing good comes from sulking and as my friend, Dawn Davis says, "Apply interview and move on!"
With all this said, I do have an interview tomorrow at a A.B. Combs Elementary in Raleigh, NC. It is for a teacher leadership position in concert with magnet coordinator. This school is a STEM and Leadership magnet that has been recognized nationally. On a more personal note, it is a mere walk from my cousin's house! Needless to say, I do hope to "get the gig". I suppose I'll go for a run tomorrow before hopping in the car to focus my head. So, I chose to write this blog, and yes I am hoping your collective good thoughts will bring a positive outcome from the interview!
Who wouldn't want to be closer to this awesome guy. My buddy, ELI!!!
Holy WOW! Rev3 Williamsburg was awesome! I am very glad that I chose to race only the Olympic distance after having done Raleigh 70.3 a mere three weeks ago. The huge difference between Ironman Raleigh and Rev3 Williamsburg was the feel of the atmosphere. Rev3 has an age group team and as many of you have already read in previous posts +Tara Martine is on this team and she was an amazing hostess with the mostest! I think she made it a point to introduce me to every team member there and now I think I have gained at least ten new Facebook friends and Twitter followers. Loving the craziness vibe Team Rev3 has!!
Lauren Goss!! aka @lauren_goss
I got there a little late, but made it in time for the Friday expo festivities. (Yes, there was an ample amount of Beet Juice being drunk.) A major highlight of the expo, aside from meeting a ton of badass Rev3'ers, was meeting pro triathlete Lauren Goss. She was super cool and took time to pose with The Sarge and me. Tara informed me the evening before the race that the best finish line photo gets a free race entry. I was tempted to make a "Lauren Goss, Will you Marry Me" sign to carry across the finish line, but that did come to fruition. (Probably for the best.)
Friday Night/Saturday (The Calm before the Storm)
Kool and the Gang
So we stayed at the Days Inn that was a mere quarter mile from T2. It was a dump, but close to the race site. Friday night started with a massive cluster at Carraba's, a killer Glow Run sponsored by Rev3 and then turned into awesome when The Flints showed up (Kool and Nadine are a travelling party.) We visited one of Tara's old stomping grounds and found an old soccer team picture of her on the wall. We then took the party back to the Days Inn and hung out for a while. Tara rightfully went to sleep. Saturday we woke up went to check out the swim. It was beautiful! There was a bit of a current, but otherwise I was feeling comfortable in the water. (Unfortunately, this same sensation did not occur on race day.) After swimming, we met up with the Flints and Kurt's folks at the Williamsburg Winery. A bachelorette party was tasting wine and Kool decided that I should serenade the bachelorette. (Who am I to let Kool down?) I obliged. Before hitting up the winery, Tara and I rode the run course on our bikes and discovered that there was a massive hill with switchbacks at the turnaround. Really?!?!? A hill in Williamsburg!!!
That evening we went to Olive Garden. (Hey, gotta CTFU before a race!) I was very happy that my mother, grandparents, aunt and uncle were able to join me for dinner. Granddad paid for dinner and we caught up on life. I haven't seen them in a while and we got to discuss all the changes that have occurred since graduating from High Point University. Mom and Aunt Becky said that they wanted to come to part of the race. (They wound up making the run portion and it was so cool to see them at the finish!) While at Olive Garden I got to meet Tara's Coach, Sharon who is now officially known as "The Coach"! She came to race the Olympic and guide Tara to what would be a procard performance!
The Coach, Ed and I in close quarters
Bonkbreakers for Breakfast!
Free Advice from "The Coach"
Race Day!
The Morning
It was raining and we were all just SUPER EXCITED to walk to T2 to set up in the rain. After setting up my Hoka One One Bondi Bs in T2 we loaded up on to a yellow school bus for the trek to the James River beach site. I adjusted T1 at the site and got some air in the tires and then the long wait for my wave began. I had some tunes going in my ear trying to focus myself on the task that lie ahead. (I was playing some Eminmen mixed with Wagon Wheel, yes quite the combination, but I had to have some downhome NC tunes in the ear.) Sean English, the Rev3 man on the mic was providing constant updates and trying to keep the mood light.
The Swim
The pros went off and wound up sprinting to the first buoy. A few were trying to dolphin dive, but to no avail. I watched all the half waves go and then it was my turn to rock out. The horn went off and I did high knees and a few dolphin dives. My heart rate was through the roof at this point and I was trying to get things under control. I began to swim and breathe every other breath just as instructed by Kurt. I honestly felt as if I was swimming backwards! The beautiful conditions of yesterday were gone. I simply was going buoy to buoy trying to survive. After about 35 minutes, I emerged from the water with a fierce determination! I sprinted nearly a half mile to T2 through the fields. (And grad a Gatorade on my way.) I fumbled to get my shoes and helmet on and stuffed my swim gear in the swim bag.
The Bike
As I began to pedal off, traffic had been stopped for us and some guy yells at us as we charge forward in disdain. Sorry, dude we're racing and bringing major cashflow into your local economy, I think you can wait a few minutes. I tried to keep things under control. I would cheer people on as I passed them. We were on a wide greenway that had some wicked turns. There might have been an aid station on the bike, but to be honest I cannot remember. I had recently been refit on my bike at the Greensboro Trek Store to see if it would help would some achilles issues I had been having, so this was really the first time I had ridden it with the new fit. (I DO NOT ADVISE YOU DO THIS!!) I felt a bit more aero and the legs were responding well. I began to play a game of cat and mouse with another cyclists until I dropped him on the last hill. We had a laugh about it as I was passing him. There was a man who was in his late fifties hammering away from me towards the final miles. The big surprise for me was that I got to mile 18 and thought, "Damn! I almost done!" I was still in a 70.3 mentality. I went 1.5 mph faster than in Raleigh. I arrived at T2 and fumbled to get the Hokas on and walked out trying to get my Forerunner on my arm so that I could keep track of my pace. Well, the strap broke and I wound up having to carry it in my hand.
The Run
Hoka One One Bondi Bs are AWESOME! I was booking it on the run averaging 6:45s for the first three miles! As stated in a previous posted, I felt like Tigger! The dreaded hill climb came and I went up, up and away. I was moving surprisingly well. There was one more major climb before the end and I caught a guy who dropped me on the bike. BUT wait, near disaster! As I am climbing the last hill (and just noticed that my mom and aunt were cheering me on) I begin to cramp in my right hamstring. I do the classic grab and try to keep things moving. The cramp subsides enough and I start to push it up the hill. Today was going to be a good day... NO PAIN! I finally make it to the finishing chute and remember what Tara said about the photos. I try to moonwalk into the chute, but the hamstrings and calves had other plans. I cross the line and hear Sean call my name. The day was done! I saw Mom and Becky and NORMATECH recovery boots. What up, Rev3?!?!? This was awesome! Ironman didn't have these wonderful recovery gems!
The Wait
Tara crushing the finish!
My day was done, but Tara was still on course. I saw her come for the first loop and she looked all right. I waited with Mom and Becky and was explaining tactics and what possibly was going through Tara's mind. (She was currently in fourth position.) We waited and waited and Tara emerged again. She was hurting. It did not look good. She was twenty-five seconds back from the third place female. It was time for TriGuy powers to activate! My legs were done, but my friend, my coach, my adopted sister was in need of some encouragement. I walked down the hill and passed Kool and the gang. Tara managed to move into third place, but only by a few seconds. As she came up the final hill I started to run with her. I began cheering her on and encouraging her. I was giving her time splits to how far back the other girl was. I began saying, "This is just Gallimore Dairy back home!" (A rather hellacious hilly road!) I would not let Tara quit or settle into a pace a procard was at stake! Tara came through the finishing chute with me yelling at her the whole way! She took 3rd place amateur female and qualified for the procard.
Thank You's and Developments
Thanks to the Martines and Lampells for coming to the race and supporting our crazy habit. Thanks to Becky and Mom coming to cheer us on race day. Huge Thanks to Team Rev3 for making me feel incredibly welcome and like part of the Team on my first Rev3 race.
The Palladium Funner Runners are progressing well. I am so proud that some of the Runners have progressed to be able to run three miles without stopping to walk. We had a great time with guest speaker Michael Vance giving a shoe talk. I hope you all enjoy this recovery week. We are going to hit it even more "Funner"after the fourth!
Now, a major bomb was dropped at Carraba's. Kurt has been accepted into the Wilmington Fire Department. He and Tara will be moving to Wilmington in a week! This is a quick turnaround. I will miss them greatly. They have become family to me. We have had many adventures on the roads and trails of the Triad. I hope that LaHa and Chipotle will be able to handle them leaving because many tales of training have been told at these places as we refueled from epic runs and rides. So, to my Brother Kurt and Sister Tara, I am sad that you are leaving, but know that there are still new stories on the horizon!
Recovery from Raleigh 70.3 has been going all right. The legs have almost come around completely, but I have been having some achilles issues. That has probably been the most frustrating experience, but on the other hand I did set a new PR in the Tour de Kale 5K running in the Brooks Pure Cadence. Most of ya'll know that I am a HUGE fan of the Brooks Pure Connects, but with the calves revolting lately I thought just a touch more cushion might be a needed. Well, these bad boys can fly just as well without absolutely killing my calves. I think that I might be swapping in and out between Cadence and Connect. The Pure Flow are just a bit too wide for my feet.
I also will continue to use my Pure Flows for shorter distances, but like I said, deciding to jump into this fun Glow in the Dark 5K in the middle of a recovery/build up period to Rev3 Williamsburg I needed more cushion. I finished the race in 19:18 chip and clock time! I was about two tenths of a mile from the finish and could see the clock at 18:36 and thought to myself, "I just can't go any harder!" (The first mile out was 5:43 which coincidentally is my fastest mile, EVER!) So I ran my pace and still PR'd. (My last PR was a little less than a year ago and it was 19:29! Come on, 18:and change has to be around the corner. As I fell off the lead pack, another runner stayed with me. Funny thing is, he sprinted past me
at the finish, was in my age group and took first in the 30-39 age group by ONE SECOND!! Guess I need to work on the sprint, or as +AbsoluteFitness NC Ron Kennedy says, "You're fast, but not quick." Fast being sustained over a duration of time, while quick being able to have explosive short bursts of speed. Think Usain Bolt and Mark Cavendish as being quick and Fabian Cancellara and Ryan Hall as being fast. (I could use a football analogy, but that would just not fit in with the Endurance theme of the blog!)
So quick he has time to make phone calls!
So, after wrapping up the school year, attending my last meeting as a District Director for NCAE and trying to recover I have been pretty lazy this week. Well, lazy if you consider applying for assistant principal positions and creating class lists for the GCS Summer Arts Institute. But, it has been nice to simply sit in my chair for long periods at a time and catch up on TV. (Remember, recovery! Anything to help the achilles heal and by anything, I mean anything even if it means experimenting with new shoes other than the Brooks Pure Project line.) Yes, yes sirs and ma'am's I am running in the weirdest, yet coolest show I've ever tried! The Hoka One One Bondi-B. Hoka One One calls themselves "The Ultra Running Company". The shoes are 4mm heel drop, but that is where they COMPLETELY differ from a minimalist shoe. The shoes actually has maximum cushioning. When you run in the shoes you kind of feel like Tigger.
Now that's cushioning!
After the 5K, I ran the Sunday Pancake Run with Michael Vance and Jeremy (I can't spell his last name) for 7 miles. These shoes completely flew downhills and had amazing spring on the uphills and flats. Seriously, Tigger, folks! I then used them again at the Pub Run and again I felt like I was running on clouds. These are some rocking shoes. Now, I did have some minor achilles pain in these shoes, but having taken a break from my Zero Drop and lightly cushioned shoes the pain wasn't excruciating. I might even use these in Williamsburg, well these or the Cadences. (Oh no, I'll need Tri-Laces for a faster transition.... #triathleteproblems feel free to use this hashtag.)
I leave for Williamsburg in a day and need to fold clothes and pack; two things I detest doing, but such if the life of destination races. (Once again, #triathleteproblems). Until then, I'll apply for more AP positions and ready myself for SAI immersion weeks. Anyone out there reading this send good thoughts as I go through the job hunt process, it is full of a lot of WAITING! I suppose while I wait, I'll swim in Belews Lake and continue to enjoy the awesome friendships created through training. And speaking of training, I am having a BLAST coaching the Palladium Funner Runners! An awesome group of people who are Funner Running there way to Asheville, NC Citizen-Times Race weekend! (Don't forget to register Funner Runners!) So, I'll leave you with this short video that describe how I feel when running in the Hoka One One Bondi-B. Time to drink my greens with some Cacoa (or Cocoa!)
It seems like a ton of things have happened since I last blogged! I really meant to blog after Race the Bar, but things sort of got a little crazy. (In my life, NEVER!) But, I'm back and in full recovery mode.
Race the Bar 8K on Walker St. was an amazing local event with free beer at the end. As I tell one of the Race Directors Andrew Egbert, every race is really race the bar! We went out fast with a 5:55 mile according to my Garmin. Yes, we were flying. The course itself is quite rolling one would say. More like straight up hellacious hills! Going out that fast took its toll on many of us and the lead group began to dissipate as it simply became survival mode. I finished the race in 33:26, a better time than last year and still maintained 1st place in my age group! One more pint glass and I'll have a full set. I am looking forward to Natty's 10K! Keep up the great work Setup Events and E3!
Do I really want to do this?!?!?
Ironman Raleigh 70.3, baby! What an awesome event! I have never done an Ironman run event and all I can say is that I WILL be going back to this race! Before I even get into the race itself, the volunteers, the people on course and the expo were simply outstanding and extraordinary. It was almost as if the entire city of Raleigh and surrounding suburbs came out to support us as we suffered through the day. Each aid station had a different theme and there were so many cowbells that you simply couldn't quit even when the body said, "Please, why are you putting me through this hell!" This a HUGE thank you to the people of Raleigh and the Ironman staff. It is always great when you can do a race that is almost in your backyard. I hope that Ironman seeks out more venues here in the Land of the Pine. (Hint, Hint.. Asheville!)
The Expo
Brian and I at the Expo
An enormous thanks to my friend, Brian Lewis, for convincing me to sign up for this race! It all started back in January when he said, "Buddy, we're doing this!" He was an awesome host in his hometown of Raleigh and was a great brother in suffering throughout the race and the many hours of training. Brian, let's do it again!
Aussie Dan with the Bonk Breaker goodness!
Honestly, was one of the largest Expos that I have ever attended, but in the same note there were way more familiar faces. You all know that I love the Off 'n Running Pub Run group and that event has brought in reps from many different endurance companies. It was great to see the 2XU rep as I walked in after check-in and it was also great to see speedster Aussie, Dan Matena cutting up the Bonk Breakers. (I think he may have even padded my bag with a few of these delicious, nutritious treats for the long bike). It is always good to see friendly faces when you are sort of freaking out underneath the cool exterior. Believe me, you are always asking yourself before a race, "Did I train enough? Did I eat right?" Seeing these faces help take away the stressors.
The Night Before
My buddy, Eli, and I at the Chocolate Factory.
I was fortunate to stay with my cousins the night before the race. My cousins, Jess and Rob and their awesome son, aka my buddy, Eli had dinner with my Aunt Diane at this cool vegan restaurant The Fiction Kitchen. The cornbread and snap peas were delicious and the farmer's market plate was full of delicious veggies; all good before the long day ahead. After filling out stomachs with veggie goodness, we went to The Videri Chocolate Factory. Let's pause, yes, Jess and I both don't do dairy, but dark chocolate without milk, BRING IT ON! This place makes their own chocolate!!! It was incredible. Now I knew I was ready for the long day ahead.
We got home from our evening out and read Eli a bedtime story and then I knew it was time to get my mind set to prepare for the early morning. Usually, I pack my tribag and leave it in transition, but this was a point-to-point race and Ironman provided bags to affix your race number to for every single transition. (Yet, another reason I was blown away by the support!) I prepped my bottles, had a chat with Jess and Rob and then it was off to bed for a 3:00am alarm. The buses began to roll to Lake Jordan at 4:00am and it was a 45 minute drive from downtown Raleigh to the swim start.
The Morning
Alarm went off at 3:00am and I was in the shower. Sunscreen applied, BodyGlide applied. (Sorry, +Tara Martine I totally forgot my Trislide!) I grabbed my transition bags and was out the door, BonkBreaker breakfast in hand. I met up with my friend Roni Shoemaker and her husband and we grabbed a quick cup of coffee at Starbucks before getting on the bus. I got on the bus and realized something immediately... I had forgotten my water bottles!!! I thought and said several colorful words. I quickly got off the bus and Roni took my transition bags for me and placed them by my bike when she got to the swim start. I was totally freaking out! I texted Jess and called her about this predicament. There was no way I was going to make it back to there house and catch the last bus. It is here where her husband Rob becomes SUPER ROB! I sat on the side of South St. in Raleigh and waited for him to drop off the water bottles. I checked Facebook and Twitter to pass the time and not beat myself down for making such a rookie mistake. (Hey, it was my first Ironman event!) He rolled up to the side of the road and dropped off the bottles and rolled off into the morning mist like a Super Hero who had just saved the day. THANKS AGAIN ROB!!!
Water bottles in hand, earphones in, I quickly make my way to another bus. I was a bit down that I wasn't going to be able to ride with my friend Roni and her crew, but fuel is just a TINY bit more important in these events. I get on the bus and low and behold my friend from the Rev 3 Tri Team Rachel is sitting there and shouts out my name. Once again, a friendly face. This will not be the only time Rachel makes an appearance in this epic journey. I find my seat, plug in and close my eyes while we make our way to Lake Jordan. (Yep, I played some Wagon Wheel because it just seemed right!)
We get to the lake and as promised, Roni placed my bags by my bike. Sweet relief! I set up transition and wait in line for the restrooms many times. (One thing about triathlon is most of the first part is simply waiting for the restroom A LOT!) Time passes, I talk to Rachel while in line and it is time to make my way down to the swim.
The Swim
There was a collective cheer when the race announcer announced that the swim would be wetsuit legal. As for me, no wet suit. I think the one spot they found the water temperature to be low enough for wetsuits was around the second turn. I made my way to the red caps and listened to the various inspirational stories of people who were about to go off into the swim. There was a lot of collective noise chatter and joke cracking as we all were trying to calm our nerves for the upcoming 1.2 mile swim. Finally, zero hour had arrived. The horn went off and I was head down, streamline in the water... the is until water began leaking into my goggles. I had to stop a few times and adjust the goggles and flip my contacts back into my eyes. It was extremely aggravating! I began to simply breath into it and find the joy of the moment. Hey, I was getting to do something I loved! Contacts secure, and goggles fixed I started to slog my way through the swim. Freestyle, breaststroke, freestyle breaststroke. It is so much easier in the pool. There was an enormous amount of support in the water and I was tempted to grab onto a kayak every now and then, but forward I moved. I was being swum over, around and under. But, forward I moved (with a bit of side to side). After what seemed like an eternity, I made it to the finish! Out of the water, a little disoriented and straight to the restroom I went! I took my sweet time in transition eating some oranges, putting on my compression sleeves, shoes and helmet. I walked to the bike mount, got some sunscreen put on and was off.
The Bike
The huge fear about this course was that it was nearly 2000ft of climbing. I fumbled with my Garmin so I could gauge my speed and after resetting the bugger while on the bike, it finally got reception. (This was nearly 3 miles into the bike!) I got my legs spinning at a comfortable rate and began to monitor my nutrition. According to my Garmin, I was cruising around 23-25mph. I didn't try to slow down because I checked my gearing and I was in a fairly easy gear. The whole goal was to spin and keep the legs as fresh as possible for the run. While on the bike, there were three other athletes that began an unintentional game of cat and mouse. We began passing each other on the hills, flats and downhills for the majority of the bike. After a while it became a joke between us and we would wave and laugh as we saw each other. As I sped down the roads, I would cheer riders as they passed me and I passed them. It was great! Not only that, but there were virtually people at almost every mile with signage and cowbells cheering us on. What great energy! There were amazing aid stations every ten miles, but the Pirate aid station takes the cake! Their great "Grab some Waarrrgh-ter!" was too funny! This bike course has to be the best course I have ever done, by far! The only major issue was the last six miles as we would climb our way into downtown Raleigh. The sun was beating down at this point and the last aid station was about ten miles away. It was the last time I had grabbed water to douse myself with so that I might stay just a little bit cooler.
I got off the bike felt like I crawled to my transition spot. Let me state here that I "gingerly" got off the bike hoping that I wasn't going to cramp up! Yes, I took on my BonkBreakers, Gatorade, plain old water and NUUN, but 56 miles is still 56 miles. I am happy to report that I averaged over 20mph! But, back to transition. As I fumbled to put on my shoes, race belt and Rev3 visor one of the staffers came over to see if I was all right. I stated that I was just trying to loosen up a bit. I walked my way out of transition, splashed some water on myself, got sunscreen reapplied (how cool that these folks even thought of sunscreen for the athletes!) and walked uphill for the first part of the run.
The Run
WTF was I thinking!?!?!? It was hot, it was hilly and it was brutal! I began to question my whole purpose at this point. People began cheering for me by name if they saw my race bib or simply yelled, "Go Wisconsin!" based on the Rev3 visor I was wearing. Finally, I began to run and 15 minute miles slowly turned into 9:00 and 8:50. I finally caught up with a friendly face on the run course and ran up Hillsborough Street. Then out of nowhere, her husband, Coach Matt Clancy comes blazing down Hillsborough Street towards the finish! Way to go Coach Matt, you looked awesome! We stayed together for a bit and as I passed each aid station I heed the great MACCA's advice and grabbed ice to cool the body, water for inside and out and sometimes drank a little Coke. I began to actually go pretty well on the run and knew the streets because I had run them many times before NCAE Board meetings, but little did I know that monster hills awaited. We had to do a double loop in order to get the full 13.1 and this double loop was on the greenway that overpassed I-40. This greenway went up, up, up and away. The field was littered with walkers. I quickly blew up and became one of them. It was at this point where I don't really have much recollection of what happened. I went into survival mode. I shut everything out except the essentials. Breathing, check, legs moving, check, heart rate, check... keep moving forward. There was a man stationed at the split saying, "Second lap uphill, third down to paradise." I didn't quite follow his logic because even downhill felt up at this point. At some point, perhaps it was at the Rocky Balboa poster I began to regain focus. I started to run again, as well as quote Rocky's "Keep moving forward" speech.
The runners around me began to listen, laugh and join in with the diatribe. Rocky Balboa inspired us to keep our legs moving. Walk, run, walk, run.. keep moving forward. I reached the bridge and ran into a friendly face. It was Rachel. She was decimated, but determined to finish even if she had to crawl. We stopped for a second and chatted and then onward we both charged at our respective paces. Let's pause here because while we are moving forward at whatever pace, people are chanting, "You look great! Awesome job!" I simply had to laugh because I knew I looked like death burned over! But, thanks to these affirmations I kept moving. Once I emerged out of the hell that was the greenway and Meredith College hill, more friendly face, it was Jess, Rob and Eli!!! I was walking and Jess stepped out and gave me a high five and I fist bumped Eli. Once again, SUPER FAMILY!!! (A little while later Jess told me that Eli said, "I hope Cousin Andrew has a good race." He is the sweetest.) I entered Hillborough St. for the final miles and hit the bricks of the NC State campus. These bricks that I had pounded out many a frustration on. I told another racer to follow me and I would pace him to the end. Together we charged on, grabbing aid and cheering for those around us. Sometimes in silence, sometimes speaking out loud. We exchanged names and his was Mark Bledsoe, no relation to my Bledsoe relatives supposedly, but good ole Uncle Larry sent a familiar name to me in these final moments. (Who knows, maybe it was Larry running beside me in the final mile embodied in the embattled athlete. I'm not one for mysticism, but hey, any help is better than no help.) Together we forged our way back to the convention center. As we charged to the finish, shook hands the energy was electric! The course was carpeted, the announcer was calling out finishers' names and the crowd was throwing out high fives along the way. I pumped my fists beside me, looked at the clock and realized that day was done. 70.3 in 6:32... finished!
I started an hour after the pro start.
Thank you to all who made this journey possible. Now it is recovery time because Rev3 Williamsburg, my Christmas present is less than three weeks away. I have no idea how the pros recover so quickly! My legs were screaming and I could barely walk on Monday, but it is a great feeling knowing that you did something this amazing. I suppose the only downside is that some people around you realize what you accomplished and for some it is simply back to work. I, on the other hand, am thankful that I got to participate in the Inaugural Ironman Raleigh 70.3 and will definitely be returning!!
Quick annoucement....
High Point runners, sign up for the Funner Runner Group at Off 'n Running Palladium. Yours truly will be training you to race a 5K or half marathon as we Funner Run our way to Asheville!
I realize it has been a little over a month since my last post and A LOT has happened in the world of endurance sports and life in general. As you can see from the picture: I OFFICIALLY GRADUATED FROM HIGH POINT!! That's right people, I have my Master's of Education!! Funny how two years seemed to drag and it has all culminated into this one moment. The real question is, "What does the future hold with this new degree?" I am pursuing administrative positions throughout the piedmont area. Hopefully by August, I will be a newly minted assistant principal. This overall goal is to continue with my education and seek out a phD. Yes, ultimately I will be Dr. Corbin. (But my brother +Jonathan Corbin will have that honor first, and rightly so!)
High Point University does not do anything halfway. Graduation was first class all the way! Every single graduates name was called and marched across stage to shake hands with Dr. Quiben and... Steve Wozniak (follow the link to his short speech)!!! Yes, Woz, "The Great and Powerful", spoke at graduation! His basic message was to be kind and understanding and do what you love. I can honestly say that HPU was an amazing experience and I had incredible professors and instructors. Two in particular stand out and they are Dr. Farrington and Dr. Johnson. (They are sort of the Ed. Leadership partners in crime at HPU.) They helped prepare us and provided real world experience and knowledge for the future that is before me. Dr. Johnson even worked with us to prepare us for phD work and beyond. HPU is top notch and I am truly proud to call myself an alumni.
Pub Runs... Brought to you by Off 'n Running Palladium!!
If you are in the High Point/Greensboro Triad area why have you not come by Off 'n Running Palladium for the Tuesday Pub Runs?!? To be quite honest, I look forward to these and they have become a highlight of each week. Thanks to the work of +jason smith and Michael Vance (pictured below) OnR Palladium has brought runners in the High Point area together. It is so awesome to know that you will have people to run with at least one day a week. But, wait for it... NOW you can have a PR twice a week. Sunday mornings at Tex and Shirley's High Point location there is the Pancake Long Run. (Long run being a relative term for where your fitness level might currently be.) How can say no to two PRs in a week. (OK, I realize that Pub Runs and Pancake Runs aren't REALLY PRs, but perhaps your STRAVA or Garmin will set one on either day... by the way Mike.. "STRAVA!!") Sometimes OnR Palladium even has drawings at these events for some really cool SWAG.
Patty, Mike and I before Declan's Dash
"Shut up, legs!" Pacing Amanda.
One concept "The Woz" spoke about at graduation was the idea of paying it forward. He even joked that the movie Pay it Forward was written about him, or at least his friends said that. If you have been reading this blog you know that The Shannon paced me to my fastest half marathon at White Lake about a month ago. Well, this weekend was Declan's Dash 5K and I decided that I would pay it forward. I paced my friend Amanda to her PR of 21:37, that's averaging 6:55 per mile! It was a great experience. Mike paced Patty. He and I were cracking jokes the first two miles while we paced both girls. Declan's Dash was a truly fun event and I may just have to return next year.
Pacing Amanda was too fun! We were at about a little over a half a mile to go until the end and she said her legs were toast. I kept encouraging her and told he a simple phrase that the legendary cyclists Jens Voigt says to his legs, "Shut up, legs!!" It seemed to do the trick because she sailed into the finish line and wound up taking 2nd placed overall female. (I won my age group and Mike called me a sandbagger for doing a smaller race. I'll admit it was a bit of a sandbag to win.) Aside from pacing, a group of students from Colfax Elementary all ran together in their Declan's Dash blue shirts. It was so cool to see them all run in together.
(Side note: look at those awesome 2XU calf sleeves that were compressing my calves because they have been screaming from the weight training and speedwork. Especially from the impromptu tempo run at the last pub run. Also, the Pure Drifts are AMAZING for short, fast distances. All these and more can be found at... you guessed it Off 'n Running Palladium!)
Training for Raleigh 70.3 has been going well. I have decided that I will enjoy the experience of an Ironman event instead of focusing on time. I just have to beat Brian Lewis and Roni Shoemaker. I have been swimming more at The Rush. That place has the hottest and slowest pool in the world! The GAC is about twenty minutes from my apartment so The Rush is convient, but it is small, stuffy and SLOW! I have been getting out on the Speed Concept practicing the aero position and doing Scott's ride on Thursdays. I pulled the majority of the ride this Thursday and we had a 19.6 mph average. Jimmy "The Clegghammer" got jumpy at the end and took a nice hard pull. He has gotten really strong this season! To be honest, lately I have just been enjoying the simplicity of running. I can hear Landen Wark-Acebo yelling about how asinine that statement sounds, but it is true. And, speaking of running I have a HUGE announcement to make in about a week about some really cool things on the horizon. As for now, training will continue and Race the Bar is next Saturday. Last year, I won my age group in the 8K. I have looked at the possible competition and looks to be a bit tougher this year, but with a little luck and a lot of meta-endurance training from the good folks at ABSolute Fitness NC I just might prevail once more. Either way, it is an awesome race!
The Original Crew!
We'll take it back to where it began at Race the Bar next week!
As I end this post, I know you all probably realized that I have said nothing about Boston. To be honest, it has all been said and I have nothing to add to the profound words that others have spoken and written. Remember this, we are runners, triathletes and cyclists, we know how to endure, we know how to suffer and we know how to prevail over those times when darkness enters our lives. So, when you are out training take a moment and remember that we are and have always been strong. During your training sessions be thankful that even in the face of evil and in our collective pain we will continue to keep on keeping on because we are a community of hope, fun and friendship!
A week ago today I was in White Lake, NC waiting on Justin Flint and Kurt Martine to finish their portions of our 70.3 relay, respectively. A few weeks earlier, Kurt, +Tara Martine and I had talked Tara's brother Justin into doing the swim portion of White Lake as part of a relay team. The three of us all pitched in some money for our entry fees as well as Justin's because it was his birthday present. Let's back up a minute, as you already know, a few weeks prior I had raced in Wilmington at the Azalea SuperSprint Tri (which Tara won in the Open Female division... yes, she's a force to be reckoned with. She even ran into a guy and knocked him off his feet on her way to victory.) My run has been coming along, but my swim and bike have been lacking. Especially the swim! Kurt, Justin and I thought it best that Justin swim, Kurt bike and I run the half marathon. (Lacing up and putting on shorts is easy when the rest of life is crazy!)
So, off to Wilmington after teaching a class at HPU and at least knocking off the rough draft of my paper on the Achievement Gap. (Yes, really inspiring stuff and has totally never, ever, ever been researched before. *pause to let the sarcasm sink in*). As a side note, I spent Easter in Asheville with my parents so I was almost doing the Murphy to Manteo this Spring Break! I arrived in Wilmington Thursday evening and Justin's pushing antics had already begun as we headed out for dinner at K 38, a Baha type restaraunt. J, T and K are all vegan/fruitarians so shakes and salads were plentiful, but dag-nab-it I got some tuna on my fajita! J-man decided that a few pitchers two days before the race was a great way to carb up for the coming war of attrition. (Tara did not partake of any.) The relay team of J-man, the Survivor and I had a few and enjoyed our time eating. We placed a bet that we would beat Tara as a team, but overall we just were enjoying some time off.
(You should never get new equipment before a race!)
We wake up Friday morning and prepare our respective breakfast. Shakes galore for the fruities and a fritta with veggies and grits for this here Egg Yolk. We have a few laughs and then go to prepare a few things for race day. Kurt and Tara go to clean their bikes because it rained and sleeted a good amount on their way down from Greensboro. Kurt notices that his rear derailluer is having some shifting issues. I take a look and get it shifting subpar, but it was still catching on a cog. We took the bike to Bike Cycles, a local shop owned and operated by Shawn Spencer (no not the awesome Pyschic Detective on the USA Network, but a pretty fast age grouper!) The wrenches at the shop take a look at Kurt's aging Fuji Aloha and state that the tires need truing, the cables are in great disrepair and his pedals are merely hanging on by the spindles. We are faced with some tough decisions after Kurt received this news whilst sitting in the Dick's Sporting Goods parking lot. A new pair of Speedplay pedals would cost close to $150.00 while getting the Shimano pedals would be around $60.00. Let us all take note that Kurt has ridden Speedplay for years and has not experimented with the Look style clipless system. After deliberating, Kurt chooses the Shimano pedals.
Kurt had left his wetsuit in Greensboro and we had to go to TrySports to rent one for Justin. They had a sleeveless 2XU available. Race report had the water currently listed at 53 degrees!
We finally pick up Kurt's bike and decided to go for a short spin to shake out the legs. Kurt clips into his new pedals with ease. (Whew!) We do around 15 miles at nearly 20mph; Kurt was moving and definately ready for White Lake!
Nadine made an awesome spaghetti dinner for us all AND J-man, Agent K and I all had some prerace delicious beverages that we got at this awesome little shop called The Lighthouse. They had an amazing selection, they even had Natty's Elm St. that was just released mere days ago. (Again, Tara did not have any, she's serious people!) We received a special phone call at dinner, The Shannon called to announce that Jordan and he were at White Lake. I asked Shannon if he would pace me on the half marathon and he obliged. (My PR plan began to take place.)
Race Day
(Two Bananas and an Egg Yolk take White Lake by storm!)
The water at White Lake was 54 degrees, needless to say it was bonecold! Tara and Justin suited up. Tara in his full Blue-Seventy with feet covers and Justin in his rented sleeveless. The vaseline was applied to both to keep the frigid water at bay. The wind was whipping upon the lake creating white capped sculls for those who dared to enter the swim. (The race director stated that people could do a duathlon if they were unable to stand the temperatures, but the points would not count.) The horn sounded and the racers were off. Tara's group charged out first while Justin still had about forty minutes of wait to ponder whether or not hyperthermia was a good idea. We watched the pros and masters head out and swimmers one-by-one were being ushered ashore by boat. I begun to wonder if Tara and Jordan, yep the super swimmer went in as well, were going to survive. Roughly thirty minutes later the two emerged from the water looking worse for wear. Off to transition they ran to prep for the 56 mile bike.
It was time for Justin! He entered the water and made his way solidly to the finish, and beat Tara's time. I shouted at him and sprinted with him into transition where the Survivor was locked and loaded with his newly wrenched bike. Kurt tore off like a flash. Now I played the waiting game. I took on calories and attempted to stay hydrated. Del, T and J-man's dad, was our sherpa and he hung out with J and I while waited for Kurt. He was highly encouraging stating that I was going to blow the doors off my previous 1:42 PR. A basketball game began while we waited and J, Del and I hopped in. We played for around thirty minutes (nothing like a little warm up before 13.1 miles) and saw The Shannon after he had just run around 14 miles while waiting for Jordan to come in. I asked him if he was still willing to pace me and in typical The Shannon style, he stated "No problem. We got this!" At this point I want to mention that he had finished running and had downed two Natty's Wildflowers. (The mercury was beginning to rise as the day waxed on.)
Tara reached transition and was off to the run behind only by four places. Del, J and I encouraged her as she headed out on the run with the Flint patented "Hoo!" She smiled and was glad to get the boost. I knew it was only 30 minutes until Kurt approached T-2. I began to suit up into my Pure Connect 2 racers and 2XU calf sleeves; I was ready for battle! Kurt flew into T-2 right on schedule and nearly took his bike out as he was sprinting to our area. The chip switch was made and I was off. I stated to Shannon that I wanted to maintain a 7:30 pace for the beginning and pick it up based on feel. The Shannon was like a metronome, 7:30 on the dot, I didn't even have to really check my Garmin. Our relay team was the first out of the gate and remained in first throughout the run. I was safely tucked in behind Shannon and he pulled me through. We reached the 8 mile marker and saw Tara. She had moved up two places and we noticed that the lead woman was in a world of pain after we passed her. We gave Tara the split and she picked up her pace, alas she would not catch the leader, but gave her a bit of a scare.
The Shannon and I passed a few friends, including Shawn Spencer, while we ran the course and saw athletes who were on the last leg in a world of hurt. Shannon picked up the pace on miles 9-11 and we were clipping around a 6:50 pace. He would shout back in his militaristic, Marine style, "Beer is waiting, son!" "A PR for Andrew, today!" These words kept my feet moving because after pounding the flat roads of White Lake my quads were aching and my Chi was falling to pieces! I attempting to pick it up on the last mile and saw Del, T and J holding out the "joust fist-bump" as I ran through. I mumbled, "can't do it." and ran through the finishing shoot at 1:32:32, a 10 minute PR! I began to stumble as I walked through the shoot and a volunteer was about to take me to the Med Tent and I stated, "Just get me some Dew!" I crawled into the waters of the lake and it was the best ice bath EVER!!
The crew sat and celebrated finishing this accomplishment and waited for the results. The results came through with Tara one minute and seconds behind the relay. Three Davids had vanquished Golaith! We also learned that we won the male relay by over 30 minutes and took every other relay division. Two Bananas and an Egg Yolk were victorious.
That evening we celebrated in downtown Wilmington as we gingerly walked through the streets.
(Nessum Dorma and Do You Hear the People Sing?!?!?)
I awoke Sunday morning and prepped to leave. Everyone was still asleep and I was hobbling around the house packing and cleaning. I was out of the house around 8:30am on the road back to Greensboro. I was actually attempting to make it to Winston-Salem so that I could audition for the Winston-Salem Theatre Alliance's production of Les Miserables.
I had to stop a few times along the way to stretch my aching legs. (I HATE running flat races. They take the worst toll on my legs!!) I am sure people at the rest stops and McDonald's were laughing as I was hobbling up to order and stretching as I waited for my order. I made it in time for the audition and waited... and waited... and waited... (while others were singing multiple times) and finally sung my piece for the directors and once again the waiting game commenced. Who, or what would I be casted as?
I realize that this is Jake from "Life is Good", but after having directed Godspell and having sat through Easter services I sort of had a bit of a revelation. How many of us Tri-geeks worship the next "A" race or Ironman? I would gather to say that all too often we put in the hours of training and near monk-like eating habits to merely beat the last best time. When was the last time we actually took a look and said, "Wow, I just rode 50 miles!", or "I got to run with my mother/best friend/significant other."? I would say for many of us not often enough. There comes a point, especially for those of us who are age groupers, when we forget to simply "Enjoy the ride".
This brings me to my point about Religion. Now, I can truly only speak about the Christian faith because that is the tradition that I have grown up with and practice. (Some months are better than others, but no one is perfect, right?) The season that just wrapped up today was Lent. It is a time where some people give something up to remember the sacrifice of the Christ. Personally, I haven't given anything up at all in many years except pickled watermelon. If The Rev. Dr. Louie V. Andrews, Jr. says that they are good enough to give up each year then who am I to argue with Granddad? (And I haven't touched 'em so Lent worked!)
Mom and I after the Gobbler! A Real Easter Moment
But back to the purpose. We often live, as Christians, and I dare say people as a whole, waiting for the next thing and forgetting what is right in front of us. We forget that when we go to a house of worship that we get to sing wonderful music and see new and old friends. It is as if church is something we do instead of being where we are. How many end of the world scenarios have some crazy person stated just because they think that it will bring they're religious view closer. As we "train" through Lent for the Easter and give up something, perhaps we should think of what we could add to more enrich our lives. This is akin to training. Instead of thinking of it as preparation for the Easter race, yeah I went there, all the time between is spent training with friends and alone in order to better fill our lives. Just as with Christianity and Easter, leaving many feeling like, "Now what?" Post A race blues shouldn't feel the same way. The "Now What" is continuing to live each day in fullness and be present with those around us.
So, as Easter has come and gone now, how will you live in an Easter world? Will you simply say, "Well, I can have chocolate again?" or "Until the next race?" or will you embrace that each training session is renewing you wholly and it is precious time spent with family and friends? Instead of saying, "I'm a triathlete." It is so awesome to think, "I get to train and get to do triathlon!"
These videos are constant reminders that each training moment is filled with Easter moments (and really good food!!)
I realize that I haven't posted in a while. I have been extremely busy with the final weeks of musical rehearsal! Somehow in the middle of rehearsals I managed to race the Azalea Sprint Triathlon in Wilmington, NC. (This was a crazy decisions, but a needed break before what is referred to a "hell week" in the musical world; otherwise known as tech/dress week.) Azalea was the first triathlon in the series that Kurt and I will be racing against each other. I would like to take just a moment to thank Nadine and Del Flint for once again showing us great hospitality. They truly are becoming like a second family.
Race Report
The swim was a 300 meter pool swim. I figured that since I hadn't swum in at least three weeks I would go roughly 5:00. I was about right, I went 5:40. My chest and back really felt the water because with all the swimmers in the water there was a lot of movement within the pool. (It could have also been the fact that Ron Kennedy wrecked me on Thursday at ABSolute Fitness NC.) After swimming, we exited the pool into freezing corridor and outside. It was freezing! My feet were almost frozen as we ran barefoot through transition. I contemplated for a brief moment whether or not to wear my arm warmers and socks, but the racer brain kicked in and I decided to forgo both. BAD DECISION!!
I froze my tail off!! I actually covered the 10 miles in 26:25. I was impressed with this time. Of course, Wilmington is flat as a pancake! The Speed Concept 7.2 carried me through the bike and I stayed aero for most of the bike. My chest actually started to freeze and I completely lost feeling in my feet. At this point, I decided I should just put the hammer down and go!
When you can't feel your feet putting on socks is quite difficult. This slowed my transition time down incredibly. I came out of transition to see The Jester (He's back, folks!) and Del waiting and cheering me on. I even was able to give Del a fist bump on my way out. The run itself was flat with only two "rolling" sections and fast! Running through the campus of UNCW was fantastic. I turned one bend and saw this volunteer who was attractive and I was in incredible pain because I couldn't feel my feet. When I saw here just to make me laugh I did the "Call Me, Maybe" chorus. She laughed! When you're suffering being able to keep a sense of humor is crucial. I finished the run in 20:10. Only 00:11 away from breaking 20:00. Maybe next time!
Tara Martine with her winning Sanddollar!
My total time was 56:59 and I came in 9th in my age group out of 43 people. The 30-35 range is a tough group! Kurt thought that he had bested me in this showdown, but after checking the results online we found out that I won this battle, but +Tara Martine took the win overall!!
This is what I have been up to since January. It just so happens that the last two weeks are the toughest! I have been getting home around 11:00pm and in bed by 12:00am. It has been lucky if I am able to get in a run. The only training I really have done, besides Azalea, is lifting at ABSolute Fitness NC. I did squeeze in a couple runs from school before rehearsal. If it weren't for these small breaks, I am sure I would have gone crazy! The show went off wonderfully. The cast stepped up in a major way throughout tech week. It is great to see a group of diverse individuals come together and create something awesome. Godspell is a difficult music to direct. The storyline is made up of the parables throughout the Gospel of Matthew. As a director, I have to come up with different ways to tell these stories. Luckily, as the actors developed they truly embodied the various theatrical forms that are encompassed in this work. I would like to take a moment to thank my Aunt Diane, Mom, Dad, +Greg Karpinski , +Jenna Burnham , +Ryan Radford, Ron Kennedy, +Tara Martine, Kurt and whoever else I missed that are friends and family who came to see the work. I know those of you who read this blog think that I am a tri-nut this truly is my real passion! Musicals are time consuming, but worth it. When they are over it is similar to marathon fatigue or how one might feel after an A race is over.
But, all good things must come to an end! I am refocusing efforts on finishing HPU! Kurt, the Jester and myself will be racing Sarge as a relay at the White Lake Half! After will be the birthday extravaganza. It seems like this year is already flying by with many more TRICRAZINESS adventures in store!