Sunday, March 9, 2014

Ice, Ice, Baby!!

Two weekends ago the "Trilogy Bros" got together to watch the entire Indiana Jones Trilogy.  Needless to say, it was EPIC!  (The fourth movie NEVER HAPPENED!! And that statement goes along with Rocky V, NEVER HAPPENED!!  Alex Farmartino will appreciate these statements.)  I find it fitting that when I started this post the theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark was piping through my headphones as I sit her at Starbucks sipping on a soy latte.  I bring up the awesome movie and score for one reason, much of Guilford County has been without power for three days now.  What was supposed to be a mild winter storm turned into a massive ice storm.  (Ironically, it is about 60* outside now.  NC weather, it is bipolar!)  The power outage has made me feel a little like Dr. Jones.  I have been coach surfing at friends' places.  Each night I have packed a bag and headed over to another friend's place.  It has been like searching for heat and electricity.  Granted, not the Ark of the Covenant, but a necessity.  I even took some baked chicken over to my friend +Ron Kennedy aka Kal-El or Clark to put in his fridge.  (That was some good chicken!!)

I grew up on the coast and we were affected by hurricanes so power outages are nothing new to me, but ice storms and power outages are a bit of a new thing.  I am grateful that my friends with power have opened their homes to me.  (And tolerate my Dairy Free and Gluten Limited ways, Liz Hackney those cookies were AWESOME!)  I will say that this ice storm has made training interesting.  I have only been on the bike twice this week.  Fortunately, Tommy Rodgers at E3 Elite Human Performance (Coach Matt I promise to get back in the pool!!) let me get in on the Tuesday night trainer class since Monday was booked up for me.  It was absolutely insane, and I get to suffer all over again this Monday.  I can say that the classes are helping my running and riding.  Yesterday, in shorts and a t-shirt (the weather is seriously chaotic) I was clicking off 7:30 miles/min.  It felt awesome!  The only major issue throughout this power outage situation has been fueling properly.  I have gotten in solid food, but have strayed a bit from my usual diet.  Saturday I subsisted off of Egg protein and Powerbar, well all except dinner which was at Village Tavern.  Yes, Sarge, the Egg Protein is AWESOME!

This brings me to a point... THANK YOU POWERBAR FOR MY SHIPMENT BEFORE THE ICE STORM!!  I received my Team Elite/Rev3 shipment of Powerbar product on Thursday.  It was the gel chews, gels and fruit blends.  I have been eat the Strawberry/Banana flavored that are too delicious!  (I think I picked that flavor up from my old SigEp brother Alex Davis.  He said the Stawbanana juice was, well if you knew Alex you would know the colorful adjectives he would describe it by.)  These past few days have been like a 70.3 event.  How much fuel intake do I need?  When will my stomach finally start to reject all the processed nutrients?  Powerbar is amazing for a long event, or even a quick pick-me-up during an Oly or Sprint; I don't suggest trying to live off it.  But, when in need you eat what is available.  (OK, I haven't eaten only Powerbar stuffs, but I am a teacher who hasn't had a raise in six years... do the math!!)

You know what place does have power?!?!?  Barbados... umm.. I mean Northern Virginia!!  It is less than a week until #TeamRev3 Summit.  I have been following most of my new teammates on Twitter and Facebook.  I am beyond ecstatic to meet them face-to-face.  According to +Carole Sharpless we will need to bring an extra bag for all the swag that we are being sent home with!  This trigeek is super excited!  The weather is supposed to be chilly, but NO ICE, NO SNOW and POWER!  Running tights will work fine with arm warmers.  And, real food!  The only thing I am concerned about is that some of my teammates have a passion for a particular man whose name is Jose!  Jose and I have had a contentious relationship, I have all but given up on any dealings we might have.  With all this said, I am extremely excited about Summit and look forward to meeting and rekindling friendships with people just as tricrazy as myself!

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