I realize that this is Jake from "Life is Good", but after having directed Godspell and having sat through Easter services I sort of had a bit of a revelation. How many of us Tri-geeks worship the next "A" race or Ironman? I would gather to say that all too often we put in the hours of training and near monk-like eating habits to merely beat the last best time. When was the last time we actually took a look and said, "Wow, I just rode 50 miles!", or "I got to run with my mother/best friend/significant other."? I would say for many of us not often enough. There comes a point, especially for those of us who are age groupers, when we forget to simply "Enjoy the ride".
This brings me to my point about Religion. Now, I can truly only speak about the Christian faith because that is the tradition that I have grown up with and practice. (Some months are better than others, but no one is perfect, right?) The season that just wrapped up today was Lent. It is a time where some people give something up to remember the sacrifice of the Christ. Personally, I haven't given anything up at all in many years except pickled watermelon. If The Rev. Dr. Louie V. Andrews, Jr. says that they are good enough to give up each year then who am I to argue with Granddad? (And I haven't touched 'em so Lent worked!)
Mom and I after the Gobbler! A Real Easter Moment
But back to the purpose. We often live, as Christians, and I dare say people as a whole, waiting for the next thing and forgetting what is right in front of us. We forget that when we go to a house of worship that we get to sing wonderful music and see new and old friends. It is as if church is something we do instead of being where we are. How many end of the world scenarios have some crazy person stated just because they think that it will bring they're religious view closer. As we "train" through Lent for the Easter and give up something, perhaps we should think of what we could add to more enrich our lives. This is akin to training. Instead of thinking of it as preparation for the Easter race, yeah I went there, all the time between is spent training with friends and alone in order to better fill our lives. Just as with Christianity and Easter, leaving many feeling like, "Now what?" Post A race blues shouldn't feel the same way. The "Now What" is continuing to live each day in fullness and be present with those around us.
So, as Easter has come and gone now, how will you live in an Easter world? Will you simply say, "Well, I can have chocolate again?" or "Until the next race?" or will you embrace that each training session is renewing you wholly and it is precious time spent with family and friends? Instead of saying, "I'm a triathlete." It is so awesome to think, "I get to train and get to do triathlon!"
These videos are constant reminders that each training moment is filled with Easter moments (and really good food!!)
I realize that I haven't posted in a while. I have been extremely busy with the final weeks of musical rehearsal! Somehow in the middle of rehearsals I managed to race the Azalea Sprint Triathlon in Wilmington, NC. (This was a crazy decisions, but a needed break before what is referred to a "hell week" in the musical world; otherwise known as tech/dress week.) Azalea was the first triathlon in the series that Kurt and I will be racing against each other. I would like to take just a moment to thank Nadine and Del Flint for once again showing us great hospitality. They truly are becoming like a second family.
Race Report
The swim was a 300 meter pool swim. I figured that since I hadn't swum in at least three weeks I would go roughly 5:00. I was about right, I went 5:40. My chest and back really felt the water because with all the swimmers in the water there was a lot of movement within the pool. (It could have also been the fact that Ron Kennedy wrecked me on Thursday at ABSolute Fitness NC.) After swimming, we exited the pool into freezing corridor and outside. It was freezing! My feet were almost frozen as we ran barefoot through transition. I contemplated for a brief moment whether or not to wear my arm warmers and socks, but the racer brain kicked in and I decided to forgo both. BAD DECISION!!
I froze my tail off!! I actually covered the 10 miles in 26:25. I was impressed with this time. Of course, Wilmington is flat as a pancake! The Speed Concept 7.2 carried me through the bike and I stayed aero for most of the bike. My chest actually started to freeze and I completely lost feeling in my feet. At this point, I decided I should just put the hammer down and go!
When you can't feel your feet putting on socks is quite difficult. This slowed my transition time down incredibly. I came out of transition to see The Jester (He's back, folks!) and Del waiting and cheering me on. I even was able to give Del a fist bump on my way out. The run itself was flat with only two "rolling" sections and fast! Running through the campus of UNCW was fantastic. I turned one bend and saw this volunteer who was attractive and I was in incredible pain because I couldn't feel my feet. When I saw here just to make me laugh I did the "Call Me, Maybe" chorus. She laughed! When you're suffering being able to keep a sense of humor is crucial. I finished the run in 20:10. Only 00:11 away from breaking 20:00. Maybe next time!
Tara Martine with her winning Sanddollar!
My total time was 56:59 and I came in 9th in my age group out of 43 people. The 30-35 range is a tough group! Kurt thought that he had bested me in this showdown, but after checking the results online we found out that I won this battle, but +Tara Martine took the win overall!!
This is what I have been up to since January. It just so happens that the last two weeks are the toughest! I have been getting home around 11:00pm and in bed by 12:00am. It has been lucky if I am able to get in a run. The only training I really have done, besides Azalea, is lifting at ABSolute Fitness NC. I did squeeze in a couple runs from school before rehearsal. If it weren't for these small breaks, I am sure I would have gone crazy! The show went off wonderfully. The cast stepped up in a major way throughout tech week. It is great to see a group of diverse individuals come together and create something awesome. Godspell is a difficult music to direct. The storyline is made up of the parables throughout the Gospel of Matthew. As a director, I have to come up with different ways to tell these stories. Luckily, as the actors developed they truly embodied the various theatrical forms that are encompassed in this work. I would like to take a moment to thank my Aunt Diane, Mom, Dad, +Greg Karpinski , +Jenna Burnham , +Ryan Radford, Ron Kennedy, +Tara Martine, Kurt and whoever else I missed that are friends and family who came to see the work. I know those of you who read this blog think that I am a tri-nut this truly is my real passion! Musicals are time consuming, but worth it. When they are over it is similar to marathon fatigue or how one might feel after an A race is over.
But, all good things must come to an end! I am refocusing efforts on finishing HPU! Kurt, the Jester and myself will be racing Sarge as a relay at the White Lake Half! After will be the birthday extravaganza. It seems like this year is already flying by with many more TRICRAZINESS adventures in store!